Monday, August 10, 2009

Getting Back on that Horse

Here I am a bit after 8 A.M. on Monday morning getting back on that "horse".  
That's right, back to my routine of scouring the internet looking for jobs to apply to.  All while my trusty cat, Tiger Lilly, looks on for support. 

I am beginning week #4 since moving back in with the parents and well, in my head my very temporary situation was suppose to be resolved by now.  But that's okay.  Got to keep moving and hoping for something to come up by the end of the month. (Or then its time to get a part- time job).  I already spent much of Sunday applying for jobs online and today I am taking three applications to the post office to be sent out.  Which brings me to some great questions I have received lately.  How do you find reporting positions? How do you apply? And more.  

So here is my routine....

1. Check out websites like {Journalism Jobs} and {Media Bistro} for a listing of new positions posted.  Then check out the big 3...{Gannett}{Media General}{McClatchy} for specific listings that come from the largest media conglomerates.

2. Once I find a position I like, I look at the items they would like to see. 
  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • References
  • Clips  
3.  Create Cover Letter.  Print Resume.  Print References. Photo Copy Clips of my work from my past career and internships.  Either email them to the potential employer or mail them.  

4.  The end result is this...

After applying for jobs I do feel a bit of accomplished and often hope that one of the many I sent out will be that "one" that leads to my next career.  I'll be sure to report back any news I hear to my fellow readers and supporters. In the meantime my test article was posted on the Virginia newspaper's website and you can check it out here, {Ministry offers discounted food}

{Stay Tuned}

4 comments: said...

Our kitties are so supportive! ;)

Something fantastic is in the works for you...don't get panicked or blinded by the process. Keep yourself open and the right thing will come.

You're too much fun for good things not to happen!

nicole said...

I read through your blog too...we seem to be going through very similar things at the moment. Thank goodness for good friends and supportive parents, huh? We just have to keep our chins up and keep moving forward. Don't forget to laugh. :)

Lexi said...

Awesome article!!! If we all comment on it that we would like to see more of this reporter do you think they'll give you a call back? If so, I will have everyone I have ever had contact with start posting.

Laura E said...

Thanks Sharon, Nicole and Lexi, you guys brighten my day! Something will work out I know it will and in the meantime I'll keep you all updated!