I know I blogged yesterday about sticking to a deadline and beginning that "something in the meantime". However, I have had a bit of a change of heart and my spirits are raised. Of course this was after I did apply to work at a Gap store in Cincinnati. (We will leave that at chance if they call me for an interview).
{Nicole Galletta} has a stellar blog and we have connected on Twitter. She is like me in the sense that she recently moved back home to Savannah after living in Atlanta for four years. She blogs about music, design, weddings, culture and always has some funny videos up.
Nicole knows what I am going through as well as many other Americans on the whole unemployed thing. She kindly twittered me this afternoon with a link to an online article by Harrison Barnes {Frustration, Rejection, Sylvester Stallone & Rocky}. Well, it literally spoke to me today. I admit it is a bit long and I know there are quite a lot of skimmers out there but I hope everyone can read this and remember this.
"One of the secrets of FedEx and anyone who is able to achieve outstanding success is the ability to handle frustration and the ability to deal with rejection. If you cannot deal with rejection and frustration you might as well give up now. The most successful people out there generally deal with a tremendous amount of frustration and rejection until they reach their goals. Having the ability to maintain a positive attitude and stay disciplined in the face of frustration and rejection enables you to be strong and to achieve the goals you are seeking to achieve. You need to become an expert in failing because the more you fail the more you will learn." Harrison Barnes
It really gave me a different outlook on the rejection I have faced these past few months while job searching. I've been pretty honest on the blog about my fear of rejection but I really need to just take it with a grain of salt and keep going. With that said, my September goal is to stare at rejection and laugh. I am going to keep going. Nothing will stand in my way in the job search.
On another note, my other goal of September is....
Reading. I have read quite a few books this summer but for the first time in my entire life, I am having trouble finishing a book. Above are five books I have begun in the last few months but haven't finished. If you look closely you can even see my bookmarks.
{Stay Tuned}
Was just looking through my Reader and spotted my name! Thanks for the compliment. I am glad you enjoyed the article. I thought it was excellent and insightful.
I think you are going to make an excellent Accessories writer!! I especially love your "creating looks" posts!
Laura. May i ask who took this photo? hahah
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