One of my favorite movies of all times is Bridget Jones' s Diary. I love Bridget. I can relate to her in so many ways and can quote more then half the movie to anyone.
But my favorite quote of all time is...
Bridget: It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.
If you follow me on Twitter then you know I've been known to quote this from a time or two.
Here comes Bridget quotes...
Things are going great. Actually, in some ways more then great. I am enjoying my job. Finally feeling settled in Oklahoma. Dating a hot cowboy. Meeting people. Excited for each day.
But like Bridget says when one area is going right the other begins to fall apart.
For me that would be my connection with technology.
Over the weekend, I some how/my blackberry some how neglected to take in any emails, pic messages, can't get on the internet, Pandora ap doesn't work, I can't check the weather. It can make calls. That is it.
Taking it into Verizon on my lunch break produced nothing because I need my account information which I don't have. That has been really funny to deal with and as of right now it is not fixed.
Monday, I finally made the drive to Beaver, Oklahoma to set up my cable and internet. (Yes another utility in Oklahoma where you must go to the main office and fill out paper work. No online application. No approval over the phone.) I scheduled the installation for Wednesday morning. Wednesday morning came and after an hour service call I was hooked up.
So what am I hooked up with?
All the networks from the Oklahoma City affiliates and the Amarillo affiliates. I get the Weather Channel, CNN, AMC and the Hunting Channel. I kid you not. No Style Network. No Lifetime Movie Network. No Soap Net. But the Hunting Channel.
(Side note, I did get the most basic of cable).
But not until tonight have I really logged on to explore the internet, witnessed my Mac mail listing 334 unread emails or watch my cable TV.
Can I say it is good to be back!
However, say a prayer for my Blackberry. Saturday I will hopefully have time to visit the Verizon store and get that sorted out.
Hopefully, I will get back on schedule with blogging daily with updates on my life, fashion, movies, job and anything that makes me smile.
And last but not least I will not forget to guest blog for {Stuff Under 20} which I did today.
Got to go get a post together.
{Stay Tuned}
Back on schedule