Find yourself wondering what Laura is up to these days? It is alright if you said no. But either way this post is filled with updates. So like it or not here are updates from my new career at {The Southwest Times}.
My first article was printed in Wednesday's paper and it was about Black-tailed Prairie Dogs. Interested? Well, if so you can check it out on the newspaper's website {here}.

Not interested in prairie dogs? Then here's something a bit more Laura for you. The newspaper apparently writes a story about their newest employee shortly after each new employee comes on board. So you guessed it. I made the front page. While the article probably includes many things you already know about me, the picture is a bit depressing. I usually can be found smiling or laughing but for this photo, I was told to look serious. (Personally, I always found serious photos of myself to translated as looking severally depressed and unhappy. I am just usually a smily individual and can take wonderful shots with my pearl whites showing.) Anyways click over to read about me {here}.

i can't stop laughing. you are already a celebrity in good ol' liberal, kansas making the front page news! hahaha this made my day!
I know but the first image they get of me is utter ugliness. Oh well!
Congrats on your new adventure! Spent my 1 year anniversary in Hays, KS. Driving from OK to WA. That's about all I know about KS. :)
I'm so proud! Great article! And the write up was nice as well. Can you cut out the front page and mail it to me? I'll put it on my fridge. I think you should include "links to my articles" on the side of your blog so we can all be sure to keep up to date on the prarie dog predicament...and other Hot button Liberal, Kansas issues! hehe LOVE YOU! xoxo
I had to laugh out loud too! I have never seen you so serious! But I have to say, I was very proud that you made the front page news! What a warm Liberal welcome! Mom
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