It took hard work, hours on hours of driving, Pandora for Blackberry to bring the tunes, AAA trip tick, and fast food across America to get to Kansas. But I now can safely say myself and Tiger Lily are in Liberal, Kansas and ready to get this chapter of our lives going.
Last week, I did all the basics of getting ready for the move. I opened a new bank account, got a new cell phone, got my car checked out (oil changed), figured out travel, got my Nordstrom fix, spent time with family and friends, got my hair cut, called Realtors in Liberal, packed and well, the list could go on. Friday, I packed the car. But I should tell you I drive a VW New Beattle and well, packing that car can be a challenge. But I got all the things I wanted to get in. Clothing, shoes, handbags, cat, cat's stuff, comforter, limited dishes and drink ware, Mac Book, towels, sheets, little TV, DVD player, heater, my iPod stereo, books, a few DVD's, and a few other things. It was a tight squeeze but it all made it.
Friday, I spent the day making the 9 hour drive to Kansas City. I drove through Southern Indiana to Indianpolis, then on to Terra Haute to cross into Illinois. From Illinois, I followed I-70 to St. Louis. Once in St. Louis, at 5 o'clock, I hit traffic. But made it through to continue making the treck through the "Show Me State". Once crossing the border into Kansas, I spent the night at a La Quinta.
Saturday, I woke up to sunshine and in a very nice suburb of Kansas City. A stop at Panera insured good Hazelnut coffee and an egg and cheese sandwich. Thank God I filled up on gas because the once on I-35 to Wichita...there is nothing. Honestly, boring drive. No billboards, 30 miles to the next exit and just me and Tiger Lily thanking God for the invention of downloading Pandora on the Blackberry because there are no stations. (Actually we thank former roommate Courtney J for the text message explaining how awesome it is.) Once in Wichita I knew my way and got on Kansas State Route 54 all the way to Liberal. TL and I made it at 5 pm. Checking into out hotel room and calling it quits for the night.
Sunday, I drove around town and check out possibly living situations. I am currently in a hotel till I find something. The newspaper offered to bored me at a hotel for two weeks. I think I made the right call waiting and didn't line something up from over the phone. One house specifically today did not live up to potential. It desperately needed a new paint job and had yard work that yelled don't go to this house when trick or treating even if the porch light it on.
Today, I start work and well, that means I need to go.
{Stay Tuned}
Above are some pics from this past week. We begin with packing up my room, packing the car, the drive, a few highlights of Liberal and sleepy Tiger Lily. Click on image to get larger view.
Glad you made it safely! My brother and SIL live in Wichita, and I have an aunt and uncle in Overland Park :-)
Hope Tiger Lilly has a restful day and you a fab first day!
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