I was unable to fall back asleep. However, I consider it a blessing in disguise. I've got some of those check marks now marked off on my to-do list. Of course one was to blog.
For those that know me well and others that might not, most know for the past six years I have driven a red VW Bug. On that red VW bug was the license plate of LOV BUG. As of the end of November I am no longer the plate owner in the state of Ohio for LOV BUG.
LOV BUG has been replaced with normal Ohio tags. Yup, still Ohio labeled. In order to register your car in Oklahoma you must have proof of Oklahoma drivers insurance. With my car registration being up in November and knowing it took me 4 weeks alone to get my internet set up, I figured renewing in the state of Ohio was the easiest.
Bye LOV BUG. Make your next driver happy and be a nickname among your friends.
{Stay Tuned}
It will always be lov bug to me!
If you renewed in Ohio why couldn't you keep lov bug? Call me! Miss you!
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