(The moment where you are finished with a current task but don't want to begin the next before something else. That moment of killing time. )
I flipped through Marie Claire May 2010 issue on my coffee table.
The article that caught my attention: The careerist: The workplace trend no one is talking about
Generation Burnout they called it.
What use to be a condition psychologist saw in women in their 40s is now hitting mid-20 year-olds in the the work place: career burnout.
The article paints the picture of women finding themselves in fastpace jobs with intense demands needing an out. The article does not say the women are under qualified, bad management or laziness as an issue to why women want out. The recession was named as factor but no other reason was given to why the movement of women suddenly quitting their jobs. However the article goes on to quote a psychologist who quotes a former patient.
"I had a 24-year-old client who worked for a news organization, and it was understood to get ahead, she needed to forgo holidays, give up vacations, and work until all hours of the night."
I know the feeling.
I can't lie. It is tough. I have experienced a similar feeling. Actions speaker louder than words. While I have never verbally been told this, I've been told I need to make deadlines and that means due whatever you may need to do. (I.E. Work late, work at home, give up personal time, skip a lunch break, don't clock hours, work on weekends).
Nearly two weeks ago, my female co-worker sat at her desk working with a Subway Sandwich next to her. It was lunch time on a deadline day.
"It is really great that your enjoying your lunch right now but you have to finish your story by 3 p.m." (Boss said to her in an annoyed voice)
My co-worker did not respond. Nor did I. Moments like that lead to career burnout.
Where is the happy medium?
Where is the position where we are able to be creative, work under pressure but not become over-stressed, over-worked and hit that point of no more?
Tips from Marie Claire on how to avoid career burnout : (Click Here)
**Notice their advice is take lunches, take advantage of personal days and do work at work. But Marie Claire, what about those that can't do that? ***
{Stay Tune}
Wow - I can't believe that your boss said that. She's already eating lunch at her desk, for pete's sake!
I know what you mean, though. Things are bad in the nursing workforce, too. I was hired to work full-time nights, which was three 12hr shifts a week. Hahahahahaha, yeah I hardly ever saw that schedule. They had told me that they really valued employees who were able to balance work and home life, but then they had us working 6 nights out of 7... it was incredibly busy and I don't see how people can do it without burning out.
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