A home phone number was asked for on the checking account forms. For the first time in 8 years I have a home phone number. (Thank you internet/cable/telephone combo pack I had to sign up for in order to get internet.)
In the last month, I have been contacted by several telemarketers calling "on behalf of Bank of America". Many have attempted to sell me some sort of insurance. Account insurance, fire and rescue insurance, credit background insurance, etc.
I hate to be rude. Last Thursday the phone rang with a different telemarketer trying to get me "enrolled" in the same insurance offered to me the night before. I told the person I was not interest and this was the second time I had received this phone call. The telemarketer apologized but continued with the ramble because I hadn't "enrolled" yet.
I am not sure "enrolling" in the National Do Not Call Registry. After all, my bank is giving out my number to help me be "insured." Well, Bank of America. If I really needed all these account insurances I would probably have more than $8.54 in my account. Considering the telemarketers always tell me the insurance can be taken out of your account each month for the low-low price of $24. Bank of America you do the math. I am really not interested.
{Stay Tune}
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