Monday, August 31st marks 6 weeks back in Ohio. There is two ways I can paint this picture for you.
One picture is really I haven't been home for 6 weeks. I spent a week in Florida on vacation, a few days in our capitol for a weekend of fun and a wedding, and well, then there was the whole job interview thing in Central Virginia. So that brings it down to 4 and 1/2? Right?
The other picture is this....I made a deadline for myself. The summer of job searching. I even blogged about it in my very first blog post. And when I mean summer I go by June, July, August. Tomorrow is September and that is clearly a Fall month. Especially in the Midwest, we already have morning temps in the low 50's. Not that I am hoping an Indian Summer is upon us but I keep to deadlines. (I've been taught the importance of deadlines since day number one of journalism school).
Here is the deal, a summer of job searching has landed me with well, no job. I presently sit at my Mac Book looking at a desktop folder full of 83 cover letters and several different drafts of my resume. I also can pull out my calendar and show you two dates of interviews. Only two.
So what's a girl to do?
I made the promise to myself because I knew at the end of the summer my bank account would be dwindling, my days would be on the meaningless side and well, a need for something to talk about other then my employed days. Today, I begin to pursue what I like to call "something in the meantime". It may be back to the mall. It may be back to minimum wage. It may be the way it should be. Who knows?
I wouldn't quit on the whole be a reporter thing, work in the media, be the journalist I want to be, and that whole dream I have going on. I am just going to have to do "something in the meantime".
{Stay Tuned} It is bound to be interesting.
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