Thursday, July 30, 2009

And I Can't Get "Flower Jewelry" Out of My Mind

Don’t get me wrong! I am not all about the flower power or anything but one trend I have loved this past Winter, Spring and now, into Fall is flower jewelry.

I have been known to sport two rings I purchased at {Forever 21} and even though when I take them off I have that ugly green ring skin thing left…you can’t see it while I wear it. I also have two earrings from {Forever 21} with the flower look that purchased this spring and love.  I always get a lot of compliments on my flower jewelry. I think it is very chic and lovely.

These are my four picks of flower jewelry right now.  However, I have noticed this look is in quite a lot of stores and you can’t go wrong wither you want a ring, earrings or even a necklace with the look. 

Large Left Photo: The Tanzanite Bloom from {Fuss Jewelry} at $224.  Splurge but beautiful. The top right and bottom right from Urban Outfitters. The top {Wild Flower Post Earrings} are $14 and come in a yellow and a pink.  The {Metal Rose Studs} are $16 for those that don't want the color or pair with Fall tones.  Middle photo: The feature item on Forever 21's website.  Love this one - {Neon Petal Flower Ring} at $5.80. That's one price that can't be beat. 

{Stay Classy and Stay Tuned}

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday's Movie: When Harry Met Sally

Harry: We've got eighteen hours to kill before we hit New York.

Sally: The story of my life isn't even going to get us out of Chicago I mean nothing's happened to me yet.  That's why I'm going to New York.

Harry: So something can happen to you?

Sally: Yes.

Harry: Like what?

Sally: I can go into journalism school to become a reporter.

Harry: So you can write about things that happen to other people.

Sally: That's one way to look at it.

Harry: Suppose nothing happens to you.  Suppose you lived out your whole life and nothing happens you never meet anybody you never become anything and finally you die in one of those New York deaths which nobody notices for two weeks until the smell drifts into the hallway.

This past summer, I finally saw {When Harry Met Sally}.  The film was one I always wanted to see but having not been say between the ages of 18-50 when it came out, I had to wait for a lazy day and Lifetime Movie Network allowing the film to grace the air time.  Thank you Lifetime Movie Network.

I really did enjoy the film for the obvious reasons.  Number one, I am single.  Do my guy friends want to have sex with me? Number two, can men and women be friends? (Wait this goes back to number one).  Number three, could a male friend of mine and myself be destined to be together?

But that’s not what I am here to discuss.  (Some other blog post I am sure). 

My career choice has recently landed me to get some snide remarks.  At a recent funeral I attended my mother shared with a family friend I was between jobs and seeking a position as a reporter.  The family friends said something along the lines of why she could do so many other things.

I am still spinning by that remark.  What’s wrong with being a reporter?

I still remember a high school substitute asked me my senior year of high school where I was going to school and what I would be studying.  After sharing Elon and journalism, the substitute said something along the lines of oh you want to be on TV. 

No, would of said broadcast journalism if I did want to be on TV. 

I don’t look for support in my career decision.  I am sure many other people have experience some comments here and there of no support in their career choice.  However, it wasn’t till I watch When Harry Met Sally, that I thought is this the reason?  People question my decision in career because I am just reporting on other peoples interesting lives while mine remains boring?

Of course, in the film Sally acknowledges that nothing has happen to her yet and that is why she is moving to New York to go to journalism school. But hold your guns, Harry that doesn’t mean she is bond to live a boring life. 

I find myself around Sally’s age and as I do not wear day of the week underwear nor am a waiter’s worst nightmare, I know how she feels.  Given the opportunity to share the story of my life I wouldn’t give you more then a good 15-minute version.  Where do you begin with a stranger on a car ride for heaven sakes?

But that’s the thing about journalist; we aren’t trained to share our thoughts.  We’re trained to ask the questions, get your thoughts and get the story. 

So Sally you said the right thing and you proved Harry wrong.  At the end of the film the two of you are together and well, something has happened to you in the mean time of that terrible New York City death Harry thinks your bound to live.

But a secret undisclosed to Harry and the rest of the world that think journalist get into the field to write about what happens to other is about to be shared.  The truth is we get into this field because we care.  We care about getting the issues out to the people. We care about sharing a member of the community story who can’t.  We care about informing you about decisions that will change your life.  Yes, we write about what happens to others.  But that doesn’t make us boring.  It makes us far from it.  Think about.  

{Stay Tuned}

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Here We Go!

Alright, here we are on Tuesday morning and here are the updates.

Job interview in VA went really well.  I loved the area and the possibility of myself living there.  The county newspaper I would work for is small but I would get to work on a variety of stories.  Also, my work would appear in several newspapers around the area.  

So next steps to getting the job.

1. Was given an assignment for this week about a local food bank program in the area.  Have to write story and submit it by Thursday at 10 A.M. (Already set up interview with the head of the organization for today).

2.  Pass a drug test. (Pee in a cup)

3. One other phone interview that would be rather short and would be from the upper management in the company.  (Apparently, this should be rather easy).

I think I can, I think I can.  Working on gaining a job this week is a major thing for me. 

Oh wait, I am also on the beach on a family vacation.  Yea, I am doing the whole get a tan thing and spend time with my parents, sister and grandparents.  

But I also have to say I love my friends so much! I had a marvelous email from my college friend Courtney J who said this...

"TOTALY love the blog" and "(PLEASE let july be over because this month has been full of lies, deceit, corruption, uncomfortable conversations and people just generally being annoying as HELL)" Couldn't agree more! Love Courtney because she has my back and will always be up for a conversation when things are bad.  This statement applies to her life in many ways this month as well as mine.

Another comment on the blog came from Lexi, who was my Big in my Sorority and author of the blog {The Motherload}.  Check it out!

"Read the whole thing! It is fabulous, and I love the title - because we are the Boomerang generation you know!" Yes, we are!

The last comment on the blog comes from Ashton, my one and only UNC Chapel Hill guy friend and former co-worker at the Gap. 

"I enjoyed your blog: I can't wait for your next movie review." I already know what I will blog about. 

And last shout out to a message that made me smile this week was from Courtney H or Coco, my only UNC Chapel Hill girlfriend and former co-worker at the Gap.

"I'll hire you as my assistant if you move back to CH."  If only, she actually need an assistant.

Thanks for all the love this week and support.  Keep reading the blog and I'll keep you all posted. {Stay Tuned}. 

Thursday, July 23, 2009

And I Can't Get "Today" Out of My Mind

Today was filled with some high's and some low's.  But it wouldn't be the life of a boomerang lady without it. 

As an unemployed person my schedule is as following: wake up (9 A.M.), feed cat, drink coffee while reading the newspaper, crack open Mac PowerBook, answer emails, send emails, check social media sites, apply for jobs and then plan the rest of my day.  Well, today went as according to plan until I received an upsetting email from my former employer.  Another promise broken. 

While in recover from it, I jammed out a cover letter for a perspective job.  With an "I'll show her {former boss} attitude", I hit my keyboard keys hard thinking I can get a job, I can get a career and people will love me thorough out the process.  I am somebody.  

It was during this time that my cell phone rang.

As soon as I saw the number I knew.  

Like the old ladies at church always say, "When one door closes, God opens another."

I recently had a phone interview for a reporter position in Virginia. The interview went splendid. I was so at ease and was able answer all the questions perfectly.  Everything the hiring manager shared with me was what I wanted.  Community reporter, reporting on a variety of tasks, covering town meetings, uploading stories to the web and more.  The location was great for a small town.  Beautiful scenery, 20 minutes away from a ACC university, in the South and more.  I also knew I was what they were looking for.  Young, cheap labor, good clips, just the right experience, friendly and hungry for a position.  

It was that editor from this weeks earlier phone interview.  He wants to meet me in person for a formal interview.  He liked my clips.  He thinks I'm a good fit.  He might just hire me.  

It was just want I need to here.  It was just what I've been wanting.  

I spent the new few hours planning my next few days with an interview on Saturday.  How to get there? Where to stay?  Would I have to give up on family vacation in Florida where my parents had rented a condo starting Saturday?

Thanks to the modern world wide web with sites like {Google Maps}, {Travelation}, {Avis}, {Hotels.Com}, and more.  I got it worked out.  Drive to West Virginia on Friday night.  Wake up Saturday morning finish the trip to Virginia.  Make it to interview at 1:30 P.M. Then drive back to Ohio.  Sunday make morning flight from Cincinnati to Florida.  By Florida afternoon be laying on beach with sunscreen on, August's InStyle Magazine and a Blue Moon in hand.  

I have a long way to go till Sunday afternoon.  But I am sure it will make a great tale from the Boomerang Lady.  As I keep my fingers cross this entire weekend that all goes according to plan and that the next phone call I get from Virginia is something along the lines of "we need you to pass a drug test and lets pick a date for you to start", I have to take a second to breath.  

At one point today, I wanted to scream.  I was emotional and my blood was boiling.  But within an hour, I was jumping for joy and making things happen for myself.  "Yes, I can be in Virginia on Saturday".  Isn't it crazy what can happen in a manner of moments?

All my friends, my parents, former co-workers and more keep saying things like, "something will work out", "you'll get a job soon enough" and more. I believe them.  I know I have to be patient, open and place a lot of energy into the job search. But I always keep thinking that good things happen to good people.  Just one I live on specifically.  

I really need this positive impact in my job search today.

I am a good person.  I have been patient.  And I am ready to rock out an interview.  {Stay tuned} as I tackle a big weekend ahead!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Movie Wednesday: UP

I don’t take my love advice from movies like He’s Just not that into You, Man of Honor or the latest Jennifer Aniston flick at theaters.

No offense but Hollywood has it wrong.

But who has it right?

I am not saying myself with my relationship status of single. But lets look to the wonderful people at Disney.

You know Disney! The people that brought us “and they lived happily ever after”.  Well, maybe they didn’t come up with that but they let the concept fly through out the twenty century. 

But it’s the latest film {Up} that really hit me. I know what your thinking if you have never heard of this latest Pixar film, some sort of princess and a prince that live happily ever after right after they have some enduring hardship with some catch musical numbers.  Well, your wrong.  Instead Disney shows us what we all hope for.  A man and women that become smitten with each other at an early age and who never dream of being apart. 

What they do dream of is adventure and a life long goal of traveling to Paradise Falls, South America.  But as we see in the film, the two build this goal in to their daily routine dropping coins in a wish jar and working at their local zoo (adventures).  But we see through out the years, that the couple endures their share of hardships.  Ellie can’t conceive, the car breaks down, years go by.  The Paradise Falls trip never happens.

I am not running anything by telling you Ellie, the wife, dies.  Yes, she dies in the first 15 minutes but she dies with no regrets in a beautiful manner that “thank you Disney I strive for this” moment goes through my mind. 

However her enduring husband knows he must make the trip to Paradise Falls.  This is where the movie begins for the rest of the generation under age 10 and balloons appear.  But for me it was a moment of beauty.  You got it right Disney. 

Most likely, I will not run out on three guys at the alter. (Runaway Bride).  I am not going to fall head over heels with my fiancĂ© brother while my fiancĂ© is in Rome with his dying mother. (Moonstruck).  Oh yea and I am not a dedicated Delilah listener to call in and met a man on Valentines Day at the Empire States Building in NYC. (Sleepless in Seattle). I doubt if anyone will say to me "No one puts baby in the corner". (Dirty Dancing).

When I meet a guy I am interested in, I hope to hack into what they want.  What their dreams are.  Where they want to be in a few years or fifty.  If it sounds remotely what I want, call me in.  If not, see yea.  For Carl and Ellie, it was there sense of adventure.  For me, what?  Haven’t met him yet. 

But I just hope that one day it is as enduring, loving and as mind blowing as Carl and Ellie’s relationship. 

Wait, what am I saying, this is a G rated film.  Disney, you know a love story when you see it and thank you for sharing this one.  {Stay tuned} for next Wednesday's Movie Thoughts. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Made it to Cincinnati

I am currently indulging in some delicious Black Raspberry Chip ice cream from {Graeter's}.  For those that don't know anything about Graeter's then I feel sorry for you.  Graeter's is the famous ice cream shop in Cincinnati that also happens to be Oprah's favorite ice cream.  So now you know it is that good!  

With this sudden Cincinnati craving met I thought it might be time to blog and let everyone know I am in Cincinnati.  Officially, I arrived at 7 P.M. Monday.  Today, I spent the day unpacking and redoing my bedroom.  As I tried to {de-high school} it, I ended up with five large trash bags filled with clothes, shoes, stuff animals, hand bags and more to go to Goodwill.  The curb ended up with quite a lot too.  I also have unpacked the Uhaul with my boxes labeled "Ohio".  The rest are labeled "Storage" and thats tomorrows job.  Yup, I've been quite busy since arriving to Ohio.  Once I get my room from "High School College Kid Laura" to "Transition Young Adult Laura" I'll post some photos.  

But till I do let me introduce you to my new home and two fantastic Cincinnati things.  

First, I live about 20 miles outside of the city limit in {Loveland, Ohio}.  Loveland is the Sweetheart of Ohio and a typical suburb of Cincinnati.  Not much else to say after that. 

Second, so glad to be around {Bengals} fans again.  Although, we Bengals fans have a lot to complain about and a lot of praying for a playoff run, its great to be able to say "Who Dey".  But new to this season is the reality season "Hardknocks" that will be airing on HBO on August 12th about Bengal Pre-Season Camp.  I'll be watching it. 

Third, {Graeter's} ice cream. AMAZING.

Fourth, the beautiful downtown Cincinnati.  Located right on the banks of the Ohio River and right across from the state of Kentucky.  We are truly a beautiful city and I love it.  {Photo from City Data.Com}

{Stay tuned} for more.  

Thursday, July 16, 2009

And I Can't Get "The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale" Out of My Mind

What I can't get out of my mind this week is the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!  I love Nordstrom's for many reasons; the shoe department, the A-List Service, Kate Spade Galore, B.P. and the awesome labels they carry.  

But the best time to shop at Nordstrom's is during the Anniversary Sale, where prices are marked down on their upcoming fall line.  

Cincinnati doesn't have a Nordstrom's.  (I know. Seriously, what? However, they are getting one on September 25th of this year).  But growing up, my mom use to take my sister and I up to Columbus and we would shop away.  Well, thank heavens I am not in Cincinnati, yet.  I am still in Chapel Hill and will be going to my local Durham Nordstrom's tomorrow for the first day of the sale (The sale runs July 17 - August 3).  

On the agenda to shop for ... (you know when you have no income coming in you have to only shop for what you need)...a dress for the August wedding of my first friend to get married and I really want some leather riding boots for the Fall.  But here we go with the want.  

Anyways {stay tuned and I might share my purchase(s)}.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From Chapel Hill to Cincinnati

From Chapel Hill, North Carolina 
(Thank you The News & Observer)
I might actually be in this photo.  I was on Franklin Street after the 2009 NCAA Win.

To Cincinnati, Ohio 
(Thank you Cincinnati Real Estate)
There is no way I made it into this photo, although this is my favorite bridge to cross.

Back in O-H-I-O!  Let's talk about how fabulous this is.  

Name two other states with four letters....Iowa, Utah

Name 3 major cities in Ohio that begin with a C....Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland...if your not from Ohio you must likely can only roll one of those babies off your tongue.

Can't you tell I am excited for next phase of my life...{stay tuned move comes either Sunday or Monday}. 

Thats right I Boomeranged!

Where to begin...

Let's start with the basics.

I am 23, single, non-smoker, college educated and have a cat.  (Wait this is beginning to sound like a personal ad). 

But to get more out there you should know the following...

I love Pandora, InStyle Magazine, Sunday's Newspaper, Kate Spade, Trader Joe's Wine, traveling (and sightseeing when I get there), fun jewelry, The Soup, movies that make me question everything, dinner parties and living the life I have always sought. 

But here's where we have to stop.  

From the title of my blog, you know that following: moving in with her parents in the suburbs of OHIO! 


No, this is not what I ever imagine.  I can't be certain but perhaps at 18 I would of told you my plans for life are as followed.  Go to good college, meet good college boy, marry good college boy and lead my life as a good housewife, mother, career successful person.  And if that didn't work out I was going to live my life exactly what I saw on Sex and the City.  You know, move to a city, write for a living, have the best girl friends ever, met men, have fun with men and just wait for all my dreams to come true.  

Well, here I am in Chapel Hill, North Carolina just 4 days shy of packing up a Uhaul and moving back with the parents.  How did this happen?  Where did I lose track of my life plans? I swore I would never move back to Cincinnati.  I swore I would never move back to Ohio.  I swore I would never move back in with my parents.  

But I am.  And the fact of the manner is I am still following my dream.  That dream is to become a reporter.  I attempted it this past year in Chapel Hill.  I worked forty hours a week at a Bridal Magazine and after about six months realized no.  This isn't what I want.  After thinking it over for a while.  It seemed pointless to leave my position so soon and I gave it more time.  However, somewhere along the path of giving it more time was hardships I never intended to deal with.  I wouldn't go into details (perhaps that will come in a post some other day) but I am in a better place to be done with my first job out of college.  But after leaving, I had a month in 2 weeks left in my cozy little home till the lease was up.

I tried.  I tried really hard to get a position lined up in the Durham/Chapel Hill area to work as a newspaper reporter but I had no luck.  I tried really hard to get a position lined up in the North Carolina area to work as a reporter but have had no luck.  I've tried really hard to get a position lined up in the South, Mid-West, East and more to work as a reporter but have had no luck.  So here I am unemployed with the decision made that I will continue to job search.  I will continue to live my dream as an aspiring newspaper reporter and it will happen.  (But in the meantime, I am off to Ohio).  

I am boomerang it back to Ohio to begin the chapter of my life I shall call "Tales from the Boomerang Lady".   

I anticipate it being a fireball of fun!  Maybe not fireball fun like "Pub trivia night" or "Half-Price Bottle of Wine Night" or "Martinis and Appetizers Parties".  But maybe my mom will let me join her book club...{stay tuned}.