Today was filled with some high's and some low's. But it wouldn't be the life of a boomerang lady without it.
As an unemployed person my schedule is as following: wake up (9 A.M.), feed cat, drink coffee while reading the newspaper, crack open Mac PowerBook, answer emails, send emails, check social media sites, apply for jobs and then plan the rest of my day. Well, today went as according to plan until I received an upsetting email from my former employer. Another promise broken.
While in recover from it, I jammed out a cover letter for a perspective job. With an "I'll show her {former boss} attitude", I hit my keyboard keys hard thinking I can get a job, I can get a career and people will love me thorough out the process. I am somebody.
It was during this time that my cell phone rang.
As soon as I saw the number I knew.
Like the old ladies at church always say, "When one door closes, God opens another."
I recently had a phone interview for a reporter position in Virginia. The interview went splendid. I was so at ease and was able answer all the questions perfectly. Everything the hiring manager shared with me was what I wanted. Community reporter, reporting on a variety of tasks, covering town meetings, uploading stories to the web and more. The location was great for a small town. Beautiful scenery, 20 minutes away from a ACC university, in the South and more. I also knew I was what they were looking for. Young, cheap labor, good clips, just the right experience, friendly and hungry for a position.
It was that editor from this weeks earlier phone interview. He wants to meet me in person for a formal interview. He liked my clips. He thinks I'm a good fit. He might just hire me.
It was just want I need to here. It was just what I've been wanting.
I spent the new few hours planning my next few days with an interview on Saturday. How to get there? Where to stay? Would I have to give up on family vacation in Florida where my parents had rented a condo starting Saturday?
Thanks to the modern world wide web with sites like
{Google Maps},
{Hotels.Com}, and more. I got it worked out. Drive to West Virginia on Friday night. Wake up Saturday morning finish the trip to Virginia. Make it to interview at 1:30 P.M. Then drive back to Ohio. Sunday make morning flight from Cincinnati to Florida. By Florida afternoon be laying on beach with sunscreen on, August's InStyle Magazine and a Blue Moon in hand.
I have a long way to go till Sunday afternoon. But I am sure it will make a great tale from the Boomerang Lady. As I keep my fingers cross this entire weekend that all goes according to plan and that the next phone call I get from Virginia is something along the lines of "we need you to pass a drug test and lets pick a date for you to start", I have to take a second to breath.
At one point today, I wanted to scream. I was emotional and my blood was boiling. But within an hour, I was jumping for joy and making things happen for myself. "Yes, I can be in Virginia on Saturday". Isn't it crazy what can happen in a manner of moments?
All my friends, my parents, former co-workers and more keep saying things like, "something will work out", "you'll get a job soon enough" and more. I believe them. I know I have to be patient, open and place a lot of energy into the job search. But I always keep thinking that good things happen to good people. Just one I live on specifically.
I really need this positive impact in my job search today.
I am a good person. I have been patient. And I am ready to rock out an interview. {Stay tuned} as I tackle a big weekend ahead!